
Grand event at UNESCO headquarters entitled “Glacial Shift: Unveiling Pakistan’s Unique Climate Challenge” was held

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Adarshabarta Report :
Grand event at UNESCO headquarters entitled “Glacial Shift: Unveiling Pakistan’s Unique Climate Challenge”
was held on 11th June 2024, from 18:30-20:15 at UNESCO Headquarters, in Paris, France.
This event UNESCO focusing on climate change and glacial melting co-hosted by Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad & Luc Hardy explorer, environmentalist, filmmaker & entrepreneur. Premier screening of film “Ice Giants: Discovering the Karakorum” followed by a panel discussion with top names in the field – Valerie Masson-Delmotte, paleoclimatologist, Patrick Wagnon, glaciologist, Fanny Brun, glaciologist with Luc Hardy and animated by François Carrel.

A full house comprising diplomats, researchers, academicians, think tanks, environmentalists media and general public engrossed by the captivating documentary and discussion with experts – creating greater awareness about the global climate crisis, its impact on populations and ecosystems, and the urgency of collective action to address those challenges.
Great projection of Pakistan mighty mountains and glaciers (over 7000), beauty and splendor of the region, and its leading role in global climate discourse.